Thursday, March 11, 2010

go go viking girl zipper pouch

I finished the go go viking girl zipper pouch~! Very cute~

It is a cloudy day here, so taking pictures is very difficult... I wish I could show my pouches in person sometime.

This time, I put a pink bunny on the back side.

I like this patched bottom.

We had some sun a little while in the morning. So far, only snow drops are coming out in my back yard. I can’t wait for tulips!

Thank you for visiting!


  1. This viking girl sailed all the way to British Columbia to my house! I love her! She's so sweet! Very nice details all over and inside too. So lovely! I think she looks like me, and I have viking heritage. I also have a pink kayak. Thanks for putting so much creativity into your work, and thanks to my sister for sending it to me! Anita

  2. Thank you so much Anita♥

    I’m so happy to hear that you received your viking girl pouch safely!! Thank you very much for your delightful, warm feedback! I’m pretty sure that the viking girl enjoys her sailing to British Columbia! It is pleasure for me to know that I could make something that relates to you and your life.

    I hope that the viking girl keeps making you smile every day!
    Have a wonderful sailing!
